altitude air中文什么意思

发音:   用"altitude air"造句
  • altitude:    n. 1.高,高度;海拔(高度)。 ...
  • air:    n. 1.空气,大气。 2.天空,空 ...
  • air altitude:    飞机高度
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  1. These newly explored high altitude air routes would soon be known throughout the world as the " hump , " and would play a major role in the ultimate defeat of japan ' s imperial war machine
    这些新探索出来的高海拔的航线很快就被誉名为“驼峰” ,且在抗日战争取得最后的胜利中担当了主要的角色。
  2. The official said a former paf chief had sent a summary to president musharraf for the purchase of a high - altitude air defence system from a european country without transfer of technology , but the president rejected it
  3. However it would be over the high altitude air route known as the " hump " that cnac aircrews would contribute most to allied victory and at the same time , create for themselves a legendary record of achievement that is unmatched in aviation history
  4. Abstract : according to the urgent need of anti - cruise missile , a brief ana lysis was made not only on the technical specifications of anti - tbm missile but also on cruise missile infrared characteristics . on the basis of the capabilitie s of low - altitude air - defense missile weapon system using in anti - cruise miss ile , some technical improved approaches have been proposed to enhance the capa bility of anti - cruise missile


  1. altitude adaptation 什么意思
  2. altitude adjuster 什么意思
  3. altitude adjustment of carburettor 什么意思
  4. altitude advantage 什么意思
  5. altitude aerogastrocolia 什么意思
  6. altitude alerting 什么意思
  7. altitude alerting system 什么意思
  8. altitude alkalemia 什么意思
  9. altitude alkalosis 什么意思
  10. altitude alkaluria 什么意思


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